50 Toddler Activity Ideas for Rainy Days

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50 toddler activity ideas for rainy days

Today I’m sharing 50 toddler activity ideas for rainy days that you can do with your kids to keep boredom at bay.

Entertaining a toddler at home all day is never an easy task, is it?

These will keep you both happy (and sane!), even when spending an entire day at home.

For some of these ideas you might need a few things to buy. But for most of them you probably already have at home what you need.

For more details on some of these activities, you can also watch the video that I’ve put below.

50 Toddler Activity Ideas At Home

1. Have some “dirt” play with construction cars and rice in tupperware containers.

2. Play-dough animal shapes. Making different animals out of play dough together is always fun.

3. Build a blanket fort. All you need is some chairs or your sofa and some blankets or bed sheets.

4. Build an obstacle course for bigger push cars.

5. Put cheerios on a stick (like those barbecue ones).

6. Build train tracks together.

7. Get finger puppets and put on a little show for them.

8. Dress up their dolls or stuffed animals. Pick hats, socks, t-shirts from your toddler’s closet and dress teddy bear to impress. They always get a good laugh out of it.

9. Water play in the bath with cups or waterfall toys.

10. Cook together, let them help out. I let my toddler pour porridge oats into a bowl, stir an egg etc. He loves it!

11. Ask them to help dust furniture. They love helping out.

12. Ask them to help put on laundry.

13. Wash their shoes together. Get a stool, fill the sink with water and foam some soap. Give them a brush or a cloth and have fun.

14. Wash their car toys or any other plastic toys. Make a fun “car wash” out of it.

15. Read books (we love the Busy Books). This is so simple, but they really enjoy it.

50 Toddler Activity Ideas for Rainy Days at Home

16. Go splash in muddy puddles if it’s not raining too hard outside. Channel your inner Peppa Pig and have fun together.

17. Reorganize their toys – pull out everything in the middle of the room and go through them together. It’s a good time to declutter too. We love baskets like this for keeping everything organised.

18. Look outside the window together. Bird watch or point out objects you can see.

19. Make ramps for cars. You can use a cardboard, boxes or paper towel rolls.

20. Make car bridges out of paper or cardboard.

21. Stick paint inside a clear ziplock bag and tape it to a window. So that they can fingerpaint without the mess. 

22. Use a good old colouring book and crayons or markers.

23. Portable chalk drawing board

24. Finger paint with watercolour.

25. Paint with water on coloured paper

26. Sticker books

27. Play with kinetic sand and create shapes.

28. Build an animal farm for them and role play being the farmer.

29. Tie a string from two objects (like sturdy chairs or door knobs) and let them play hanging clothes with clothes pins.

30. Make a pizza together – buy the dough to make it easier, let them spread the toppings.

Psst. You can also watch the video if you prefer:

31. Fuzzy straws through bowl

32. Play bowling with a ball and some toys arranged at the other end of them room.

33. Building blocks (we love these lego-like blocks and these wooden blocks) – build a castle, a bridge etc.

34. Practice cutting together – get a kids knife that’s not sharp, try cutting fruit or bread together.

35. Have a dance party. Blast some music and bust out some moves together.

36. Flashcards

37. Workout together. Try jumping jacks, push-ups etc. They will love it.

38. Play hide and seek. Take turns hiding.

39. Play hide and seek with toys. Hide their teddy behind the curtains and pretend like you can’t find it.

40. Sing Sleeping Bunnies song and act it out. You can find these on YouTube if you’re not sure how to do that.

41. Ring around the rosey song

42. London bridge is falling down song

43. Head, shoulders, knees and toes song

44. Box with crayons. Get your latest Amazon box and give them some crayons to go wild with that.

45. Box tunnel. The way you do this is you open up both ends of the box and make a tunnel out of it.

46. Scavenger hunt for objects or toys around the home.

47. Jump on the bed together.

48. Make paper airplanes.

49. Tape some toys to a cardboard or oven tray and let them try to unstick them.

50. Stick masking tape on the floor to make car roads.

I hope you found some inspiration in these 50 toddler activity ideas.

What are some of your favourite things to do at home with your little ones?

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