Category: Minimalism
I Decluttered My Entire Makeup collection to Fit Into One Bag
Many of us grew up in the era of watching YouTube videos of huge makeup collections and incredibly intricate vanity tables, tons of beauty product hauls, and the latest releases.…
Never Have These 20 Things In Your Home (If you Hate Cleaning)
If you’re tired of battling mess and endless cleaning, you’re not alone. Check out these 20 items you might want to rethink for a tidier, easier-to-maintain home—because sometimes, less really…
Minimalist Cleaning Routine for 50% Less Cleaning
I used to be stressed by the messes—the fingerprints everywhere, the constant crumbs on the floor, toys everywhere—until something changed inside me. I realized that one day, my kids will…
Minimalist House Tour (Family of 4)
Some people like to call themselves “Mega,” “Extreme,” “Ultra,” or even “Aggressively Minimalist.” Sometimes, it feels like a contest to see who can own the least number of items. That’s…
20 Things I Don’t Buy (Minimalist Mum)
You know that feeling when one day you look at your home and suddenly think, ‘How in the world did we accumulate 30 plastic bags that we don’t need? Why…
7 Lessons I Learned From One Year As a Minimalist Mum
One day I realised I just couldn’t keep on top of my home anymore. You know when you reach the point where getting dressed in the morning annoys you? How…