10 One-Minute Habits That Save Me 20+ Hours a Week

10 One-Minute Habits That Save Me 20+ Hours a Week (Minimalist Mum)

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Struggling with time management? I’ve been using these 10 one-minute habits that save me 20+ hours per week and I want to share them with you today.

When I became a mom almost 7 years ago, I realised I had limited time to work on my business. So I spent a lot of time reading books or listening to podcasts on productivity. 

While there are lots of helpful things I took from each book and podcast episode, there are also several one-minute habits that I’ve incorporated into my life. They have made the biggest difference.

I used to work the usual 40-plus hours per week.

Now I work maybe about 20 hours per week—sometimes even less. I’m spending way less time on household chores. I also get to spend more time with my kids while they’re little or do things that I love like running and reading.

10 One-Minute Habits That Save Me 20+ Hours a Week (Minimalist Mum)

So here are the 10 one-minute habits that save me time weekly.

10 One-Minute Habits That Save Me 20+ Hours per Week

Keep reading below or watch the video:

1. The 5 minute rule

You know those tasks that we keep on procrastinating because we just feel so uninspired or not very motivated to start them?

What I do is I set a timer for 5 minutes and just start doing an activity that I’ve been procrastinating on for ages. I give myself that time, “Right, I’m going to do this for 5 minutes”. If I really hate it and I don’t feel like continuing, that’s fine. After the 5 minutes are up, I can simply stop and go and do something else.

I’ve done this so many times to kind of trick myself because it’s like Newton’s law, right? An object in motion stays in motion. 

For example, I’ll really put off doing stuff like the admin tasks and accounting behind my business. So I’ll set a timer for myself and say, “Fine, I’ll do this for 5 minutes. If I’m really hating it, I’ll give myself a break and maybe continue another day.”

What oftentimes ends up happening is once I start getting into it, the task doesn’t feel so daunting anymore. I usually end up spending way more time on the task after those five minutes have passed. Sometimes I even end up accomplishing it altogether. 

So sometimes, it’s just about tricking your brain to get started on something, and the five-minute rule is really helpful for that.

2. Plan the day the night before

I am absolutely the kind of person who needs to have a work plan. For example, on one night last week, I sat down and planned for the following day: film a video, post a Reel on my Instagram, and schedule an email newsletter. These were the tasks that I wanted to accomplish on the following day while being quite a busy mom with a school-aged child and a toddler.

The following morning we spent some time together doing something active outside, which was really nice. Then my toddler went down for a nap, and I had about an hour and a half to two hours to get things done. And I did.

Had I not made the plan the night before, not much would have gotten done during that nap time. Once I put my daughter down and closed the door of her bedroom, I knew exactly what I was supposed to get done during that time block. 

That’s the thing—I can’t expect myself to just sit down with my laptop and instantly know what I need to do. I need to have a plan beforehand, otherwise, I’m way more likely to procrastinate and not get much done.

3. The “One Thing” rule

I recently read the bookThe One Thing“, and it has really changed my perspective on some things. In the book, the authors say you’re supposed to do one thing every day that’s really important to you. That becomes your main focus. 

And when it comes to my business, I really have to prioritise and decide what’s the most important thing I need to get done. Yes, I could try to multitask and do this and that, but the more I lose focus like that, the harder it gets to actually achieve my goals.

My main goal right now is to grow my YouTube channel. So yes, I will put those three daily things on my to-do list, but I always have the one thing. The one thing that’s on my to-do list that’s the most important. 

On filming days, for example, that’s filming my YouTube video for the week. If I get it done, then I’m feeling accomplished for the day. Even if the other two things don’t get done, that’s fine—it’s all about doing the one thing that’s most important right now.

4. Daily planner check-ins

I use a digital planner but you might use something else. At the moment, I am using Notion to organise my business and my life, from things like meal planning to my son’s birthday party planning, and all of my business tasks.

I started using Notion because I took a class on Skillshare all about it by productivity expert Ali Abdaal. I’ve been using Skillshare for a few months now, and they’re sponsoring this article. As I’m on this minimalism journey, I don’t like bombarding you with products—that’s never my goal. But this one has been a game changer for me as a busy mom.

Skillshare is the largest online learning community with thousands of classes on different topics. I’m constantly trying to learn more about business, marketing, productivity, and personal development.

I truly believe that investing in yourself and your skills is one of the best things you can do. 

It’s something I’ve focused on over the past few years. I’ve also been taking some filmmaking classes, which have been very helpful in improving my YouTube videos. I’m even taking piano lessons, which are always fun.

Who knows? You might learn a skill there that completely changes the trajectory of your life—not speaking from experience or anything! 

5. The drop-zone

This is something I didn’t do for the longest time, but once I implemented it in our home, I realised what a big difference it makes.

We now have a drop zone for our keys, a letter holder where incoming mail can go, some accessible pegs or hangers for coats, and hooks for our bags in the under-stairs cupboard. 

I’ve found that the habits I’ve implemented have started to rub off on my kids too. If I put my coat on a hanger rather than leaving it on the floor, they slowly started doing that too. 

Good habits can really influence the people around us, so don’t underestimate the power of small one-minute habits.

6. Sort mail immediately

While it’s great to have a letter folder or inbox for incoming mail, I like dealing with it straight away. If we get junk mail, flyers, or things like that from the new pizzeria in town, I just put it in the recycling immediately. I don’t need those things cluttering up my home or surfaces.

The only things I end up putting in that letter holder are items that need to be addressed, like birthday party invites, letters from the doctor, or anything that requires action. 

7. Prep ahead

It really helps me when I prep as much as I can the day before. This can be setting out my clothes for the next morning, so I know what to wear when filming a video. Or it’s prepping the kids’ snack boxes, backpacks, and uniforms.

Doing these things in advance saves me so much time and stress, especially when mornings can be hectic.

8. Remove (most) phone notifications

Some people might think, “What?!” But hear me out. 

I watched the “The Social Dilemma” documentary on Netflix, and it illustrated how phone notifications can draw you into your phone multiple times throughout the day. We often just open up Instagram because we got a like on a post, and then 20 minutes later, we realise we’re still scrolling aimlessly.

I realised this was happening so much to me daily! I decided I didn’t want that anymore.

Now, I don’t get many notifications. I have them turned off for Amazon, social media, Instagram, and even YouTube, despite it being part of my business. I don’t even have email notifications on. 

The only notifications I actually receive are calls and text messages from important contacts like my husband, the school, or my mom—things I need to see right away. 

Everything else can wait. I don’t need distractions when I’m filming, editing, or spending time with my kids. 

Try it for 30 days and see how it works for you. You might be surprised by how much time you get back into your week!

And if you don’t want to turn them off completely, then maybe just try putting your phone in flight mode when you need to focus on something. That can also be very helpful. 

9. Read books on the go

Now, don’t get me wrong, I still love reading a physical book—there’s something so satisfying about holding it in your hands. But sometimes, especially as a busy mom, I just don’t have time to read as many books as I’d like. 

Yes, at night, I will sit in bed and read a physical book. But throughout the day, I actually “read” by listening to books on Audible, or maybe podcasts. I just put them on while I’m cooking or cleaning, obviously when the kids aren’t around since I need to hear them if they are.

Sometimes, when I’m walking somewhere, I just pop in my headphones and listen to a book on the go. These little pockets of time have become ways for me to actually get more reading in or, in general, to find more time for the things that matter to me and make a difference in my life.

10. The one-minute rule

I read a quote by Benjamin Franklin—I think I saw it in Marissa’s video from A Zen Life, I love her channel. Benjamin Franklin says, “For every minute spent organizing, an hour is earned,” and I thought that was so true for me.

I have absolutely found more time in my week after not only massively decluttering but also setting up spaces for everything in our home. 

Statistically, we spend a lot of time looking for lost items or trying to find them among the clutter. It can feel like, “Oh, organising this room is going to take me ages.” In reality, making that initial effort is going to save you so much time in the long run. And I don’t know about you, but as a busy mom, I need all the time I can get!

Would you try any of these 10 one-minute habits for yourself?

10 One-Minute Habits That Save Me 20+ Hours a Week (Minimalist Mum)

Give these one-minute habits a try and see how they can make your days feel a little lighter and brighter. Remember, small steps can lead to big changes and save you time on a weekly basis!

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