12 Best Handwritten Logo Fonts – Free Blog Logo Designs

best free logo fonts for your blog

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best free logo fonts for your blog

Today I’m sharing 12 best handwritten logo fonts that are free to use.

So you’ve started your blog and you’re wondering: how do bloggers get those beautiful handwritten logos?

Surely they pay to have them done.

Well that’s not always the case.

This blog post will give you plenty of free fonts for your logos and designs, as well as show you how to easily use them and create a logo yourself.

Ready to start your own blog? I use and recommend Bluehost for your blog. If you have no idea where to begin, use my free ultimate guide on how to start a blog and make money blogging.

Whether you’ve just started blogging (congrats!) or you’ve had your blog for a while and decided to spruce it up, you will find here a good collection of fonts to choose from.

You are also getting here a step-by-step on how to install these fonts and use them for your designs.

Why do I need a logo?

A logo makes your blog recognizable.

You can use it as the header of your blog (which I do) or you can use it in other places where you promote your brand: social media, your email list newsletters, signature etc.

Two very effective types of fonts for your logo are: modern all-caps logo, handwritten looking logo.

These two look sleek and make your blog appear more professional in front of your readers, as well as brands or companies you might work with in the future.

Today I’m sharing with you 12 FREE fonts you can download straight away.

And how to install and use them to create your logo.

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12 Best Handwritten Logo Fonts

These fonts are from the popular font archive website called dafont.com.

I have chosen these beautiful handwritten fonts to share today and you can find below links to each one.

KEEP IN MIND: I have chosen fonts from the website that say “100% free” and allowed for commercial use, not ones labeled “personal use only”.

Always check if a free resource is allowed for commercial use (since you will probably use ads on your blog, that falls into the category of commercial use).

At the time I am writing this post, these fonts are completely free for you to use for logos and other blogging designs.

DO make sure to check before downloading though, in case the creator changes policy in the meantime.

best free logo fonts for your blog

Where to download the fonts:

How do I install and use a downloaded font?

When you download your chosen font, you will find the file in .zip format.

Extract the file from the .zip archive and you will usually get a .ttf or .otf file for your font.

Now you need to install it into a text or photo editor.

You can use websites like Canva, however it requires that you have a PRO paid account in order to be able to add your own fonts.

A FREE editor I have found that works perfectly for this is BeFunky.

You open your chosen photo or blank canvas.

To add a new font, you just add new text and then drag-and-drop your font file directly onto the photo editor.

It will automatically add it to the list of fonts. And voila!

how to install free fonts for blog logo

I hope you have found this post helpful.

I would love to see your re-designed blog logos, so make sure to comment your blog below and I will have a look.

Which one of these fonts would you like to try?

2 responses to “12 Best Handwritten Logo Fonts – Free Blog Logo Designs”

  1. Chantal avatar

    Love this

  2. Nishant avatar

    Hey, which is the font on the title (calligraphy / for a blog logo)?

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