FREE 30 Days of Instagram Reels Challenge: Prompts and ideas

30 Day Instagram Reels Challenge Prompts and Ideas

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Boost your Instagram growth with this free 30 day reels challenge ebook, complete with 60+ reels prompts and ideas for various niches.

30 Day Instagram Reels Challenge Prompts and Ideas

Reels are a new feature of Instagram that has absolutely exploded in 2021.

As Instagram has announced that it is no longer just a photo sharing app, more and more people are starting to incorporate video into their content strategy.

On my brand new Instagram account that I have created specifically for blogging and social media tips, I have been doing the 30-day reels challenge during the month of July. 

The purpose of this challenge is to help give you ideas on how to create reels for your own account.

Even on a brand new account, my reels have gotten an amazing reach in comparison to regular static posts in feed. Here are a few examples:

Results Instagram Reels

Why you should do reels:

  •  it helps a small account grow much faster than regular posts.
  •  it gets a much higher reach than any other type of post on Instagram at the moment.
  •  you can get your products or services in front of thousands of people easily.

Why you are not doing reels:

  • You are not comfortable in front of the camera, so you put off creating reels. The thing is, you only get comfortable after you start doing them, not before. It’s totally ok if your first reels are not perfect. Reels are not supposed to be serious or even that professional looking.
  • Your mindset is holding you back. You think you are not good enough to create reels, when in fact all you need is a bit of practice. Stop overthinking this and just start creating. Again, it’s not supposed to be perfect.
  • You feel like you don’t have enough time to create reels. The thing is, creating reels doesn’t have to take much time. The more you do it, the faster you will get at creating them. It’s also a great idea to batch create multiple reels in one sitting. This will help you be more efficient and create reels more consistently.

Are you ready to start creating reels?

Free Instagram reels prompts and ideas with trending audio

The 30 day Instagram reels challenge ebook with prompts

I have created this 30 Day Instagram Reels Prompts Ebook for you to use to grow your Instagram account. 

What you get in this 30 Day Reels Prompts Ebook:

  • 30-days of reels prompts complete with trending audio you can save and use.
  • 60+ ideas on how you can recreate these reels specifically for various different niches.
  • 33 pages of reels tips and ideas.

Grab your free 30 day reels prompts ebook here:

30 Day Instagram Reels Challenge Prompts and Ideas

How to use the 30 day reels Prompts ebook

You can use the 30 day reels prompts ebook either to:

  • give yourself the challenge of creating content for 30 days in a row OR
  • you can simply pick and choose a few ideas from it to recreate yourself when you’re feeling uninspired.

It is completely up to you how you want to use this ebook. 

The point of this 30 day reels ebook is not to overwhelm you, but rather to get you unstuck and into creation mode.


Here are some frequently asked questions about Instagram reels that you might find helpful:

What should I post on Instagram reels?

There are a few types of posts you can create for Instagram reels:

  • A few bullet point tips in your niche
  • The story behind what you do or your shop
  • How your products can be used
  • Client testimonials, feedback or success stories
  • Common misconceptions in your niche
  • Things people do wrong in your niche
  • Mistakes beginners in your niche often make

There are so many more things you could share in your Instagram reels, but these are just a few ideas.

What should I make reels about?

Obviously, the first thing you need to do is to figure out your niche and the target audience that you are speaking to.

After that, you can narrow down the main topics that you talk about on your account – in relation to that niche and that target audience.

If you need some niche ideas, I have here a list of 100+ profitable blog niche ideas. Yes, they are for blogs, but most of them can be easily applicable on any platform, whether that’s Instagram, YouTube, Facebook etc.

How do you get ideas for Instagram reels?

If you’re stuck and feeling uninspired, the best thing you can do is go into the reels tab on the Instagram app and browse the feed yourself. See what trending audio you can spot and what reels you could recreate for your own niche.

Or, of course, you could just download the 30 Day Reels Challenge Ebook above and get 30 prompts and ideas for you to easily choose from.

How do you make reel contents?

When you are just getting started with reels, it can feel very overwhelming. In all fairness, starting to create content on any platform that’s new to you will feel challenging. The faster you can get over those first few steps, the faster you will become better at it and see results.

Here is the usual process I go through when creating reels content:

  • Go through the reels tab on Instagram and find reels I want to recreate for my niche.
  • Save all the audios that I want to recreate.
  • Make a content plan for what each reel will be about: topic, words to type on the screen, audio to use etc.
  • Prepare 2-3 outfits depending on how many reels I want to create in one go.
  • Film 5-10 reels in one sitting. It may seem like a lot, but with practice you will be able to batch film tons of reels in a couple of hours.

Then all I need to do when I want to post them is to add my text and caption, as well as my hashtags for each reel.

Batch creating your content is the best way to stay consistent.

Why won’t my reels get views?

If your reels are currently not getting views, make sure you follow the steps below:

  • Be clear in your niche and target audience. This is super important. If you’re posting aimlessly, you will not see the results you want.
  • Try to find trending audio and use that in your reels.
  • Try switching up your reel covers to see which ones perform better for you. You can easily create reel covers in Canva for free, for example.
  • Create reels that are relatable, humorous or educational for your target audience.

If you follow these steps and you keep creating reels consistently, you will absolutely start to see your reels get more views. Don’t get discouraged if a few reels flop, just keep going.

Do hashtags work on reels?

Yes, hashtags work on reels. You can add hashtags in the caption of your reels or in the first comment. The placement of your hashtags doesn’t matter.

What is important is to make sure you use relevant hashtags and the right hashtags for your account. Here is a guide on how to pick the right Instagram hashtags to grow your account.

How to make interesting and Trending reels

The more you can make your reels stand out, the greater your results will be. Here are few ideas on things you should try in order to make your reels stand out:

  • Add a hook in the very beginning of your reels – something that captures the audience’s attention immediately.
  • Add text that stands out – make sure there is a good contrast and that it is easy to read.
  • Don’t add your text on the margins of the screen, as people will not be able to read it because that’s where other elements appear in the reels tab (the likes and comments counter, your profile name etc.).
  • Add a CTA – call to action – to your reels. What do you want people to do after they watch the reel? Read the caption? Follow you? Share with a friend? Comment? Clearly ask for that in your reels.
  • Make an eye-catching reel cover in order to make it stand out.

I hope you found these tips on Instagram reels helpful.

30 Day Instagram Reels Challenge Prompts and Ideas

Don’t forget to grab the free 30 Day Reels Challenge Ebook above and start growing your Instagram account today!

One response to “FREE 30 Days of Instagram Reels Challenge: Prompts and ideas”

  1. Lea Wilkins avatar
    Lea Wilkins

    I wanna try to do a challenge on my Instagram

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