How to make $100 per day selling digital products EASY

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Can you make $100 per day selling digital products? 

Yes, you can, and today I’m going to share with you exactly how to do that.

I love digital products. You probably know this if you’ve been around here for a while, and that’s for a few reasons.

Why digital products are highly profitable:

How to Make $100 Per Day Selling Digital Products

Reason #1: Low cost

There’s a very low cost to sell your own digital products. 

You might need your own website, or you can use a platform like Etsy or Teachable, depending on the product you’re going to sell. 

Yes, for some platforms you might have to pay a little something, but the cost of creating and selling a digital product is very, very low.

Reason #2: No inventory

You don’t need a huge inventory, like you would if you were starting a physical shop. 

Even online, if you were starting to sell physical products, you would have to buy a whole inventory of things. 

For example, if you were to sell mugs, you would have to buy a whole bunch of mugs. 

And if you were to personalize them, you would need a machine to do so. 

So you would need to have space in your home or have a dedicated office for that.

Reason #3: It’s easily scalable

A digital product is the type of product that you create once and sell over and over again passively. 

You don’t need to create it again for every single person that buys it. You just create it, put it on your website or the platform you choose, and then people can buy it and download it over and over again, without any further effort from you. 

That’s how you make passive income.

Today I’m going to share with you five steps that you can take right now to start selling digital products and to start making $100 per day. Yes, you can definitely make way more than that, but let’s be modest and start small. 

Free Masterclass: How to make your first $1,000 selling small digital products.

Before we get into the five steps, you might find this free Master Class helpful, as it’s all about how to get your first $1,000 selling small digital products. 

I say small, but it doesn’t necessarily have to be small products, it works for any type of digital product.

Now let’s dive into the five steps. 

5 Steps on How to Make $100 per day selling digital products

Step #1: Figure out your ideal audience. 

If you can figure out your ideal audience, it’s going to really help you down the line. How?

Well, you want to sell a digital product.

Therefore you need to know who would buy that product, what kind of person, what type of struggles they have.

Your product will have to take them from this point where they are: it might be from scratch, maybe from zero, maybe they have no idea how to figure out a problem, and how to solve it. 

And you want to take them from that point all the way to the point where they’ve solved their problem or they’re on the way to solving it. They’re in a much better place. 

Your product needs to be in the middle. It needs to be the transformation from that one initial point to this desired or needed place.

This is why you need to know what kind of person is now in the initial point. 

One way of figuring that out is by thinking back to your own story.

Because maybe you were in that point, so you have a lot of experience which you can use to help people who are now in the point where you were five years ago. 

Another way is by doing audience research online: look on forums, look through YouTube comments, wherever it is that your audience might be hanging out.

See what they’re asking, what they’re talking about, what their struggles are.

Try to learn as much as possible about them, because that’s also going to help you create a really helpful digital product that they will actually want to buy.

Step #2: Figure out the actual product. 

Note that actually, you could start either with having an ideal audience in mind and knowing what their struggles are, or you could have a digital product in mind and figure out what kind of people would buy that.

So you can start with either one of these two first steps.

It could be something like a PDF, or an ebook, like my Blogging Secrets ebook. 

It could be something like Lightroom presets that I also sell. 

It could be something like a digital course that people can sign up for, or audio files that people can download (for example: for meditation). 

It could be Canva templates.

It could be a whole wide variety of things. It really depends on what you are interested in selling or where your expertise lies.

Step #3: Create the product.

Depending on what your product is, you might be able to create it in Canva, if it’s graphic templates, for example. 

I actually create a lot of my digital products in Canva: my ebooks, workbooks, cheat sheets, anything that I sell, and even the freebies that I create. For all of them, I use Canva.

If it’s a digital course, I create the slides in Canva, and then I will film the video lessons that go with them. 

The important thing is to go ahead and create the product. Have it as a file on your computer.

Then you can set up somewhere for people to purchase and download it.

Step #4: Sell that product. 

In this step, you will want to think about:

  • where you’re going to sell your product
  • what kind of marketing strategies you’re going to use to promote it
  • how you’re going to get it in front of your ideal audience so they have the option to buy from you.

You need this step, because you can’t just put it on your website and expect people to just flock to your product to buy it.

There are loads of different places where you can sell your product, and you want to figure out what kind of platform you could use to sell your products.

One platform is your own website, where you could use something like the WooCommerce plugin. I don’t personally use that because I find it a bit more intricate to use, to be honest, but that’s an option for you. 

Other options are platforms like Etsy, Shopify, or even Flodesk, as it now has an option for you to sell your products there. You could also go with Teachable if it’s a course, which is what I personally use.

I go into a lot more detail on each platform and the pros and cons of each of them in my course, Simple Passive Plan, which helps you sell digital products. 

There is a variety of different ways for you to promote your product.

You could promote it in a YouTube video

You could promote it in a blog post, or on your social media like Instagram or Facebook, or on Pinterest

But I would say for me, and I think for probably 90% of people out there, email marketing is the best place to promote your product and the best for selling digital products.

If you don’t have an email list yet, you need one. 

The best way I have found to start an email list and for it to not cost an arm and a leg is through Flodesk.

It’s super affordable, in my opinion, compared to all the other platforms out there. It’s really easy to use and really beautiful.

They’ve got really minimalistic aesthetic designs, and I just love it for selling my products.

Email marketing has the highest conversion rate out of any other platform out there. Through my email list is really how I’ve gotten to the point where I could make that $100 per day selling digital products (and more).

How to Make $100 Per Day Selling Digital Products

Step #5: Create a funnel to sell those digital products passively.

This is how you get the passive income.

A funnel is a series of steps that takes your ideal audience from having no idea who you are, to becoming aware of your brand, to learning more about you, getting to trust you through your content, through helping them with your free products, and then turning them all the way into a customer.

That’s what the funnel does.

An example of a funnel for selling a digital product could be offering a freebie on your website that’s related to the paid product that you’re selling.

This way, you get people to sign up for that freebie, and they join your email list.

Then you take them through a series of steps where they actually have the chance to buy your paid product if they’re interested, need more help, or want more details.

If you’ve been reading this and thinking, “Yeah, that sounds great, but I kind of need more help on this,” I’ve got two resources for you.

The first one is the free masterclass on how to get your first $1,000 selling digital products. I think you will get a lot of value out of it. I’m giving you real numbers in it, how much I made with each of my products, how I set it up, all the juicy details.

The second resource that I have for you is my course, the Simple Passive Plan. This one is specifically for this, as one of my most asked questions is “How to sell digital products”. 

I get emails from people wanting to sell, but they’re not quite sure how to do all of this, how to set up the whole funnel because it sounds so complicated.

But I promise you, it doesn’t have to be.

Selling digital products doesn’t have to be overwhelming.

This is why I called it “Simple Passive Plan”. The course has 10 steps, and they are the exact steps that will help you get to that passive income through selling digital products. 

Let me know what kind of digital product you’re thinking of selling, and also let me know how I can help you further with this because I am always here to create more content for you.

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